Indo-China and south china Region embraces Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and
Cambodia, countries within the Southeast Asia region. Mekong River passes through these countries with
a land boundary with southern China. These Studies include Yunan province of China, lying at the southern
tip of Indo China . These countries have culture that is similar to each other, with an abundance of natural
resources that form raw materials essential for industrial developments. Cheap Labor comes from this region
in great abundance to fill the production sector. Therefore this region draws investment from other parts
of the world and noted for its fastest growth phenomena. In this nexus, significance lies in the regions
existence as far as Thailand is concerned. This can be seen from Thailand having entered into FTA with ASIANChina with phenomenal power in politics, military and economics. Other countries are members of ASEAN, the source of raw materials and export market amounting to one-fourth of the total exports volume of Thailand.
Looking at Thailand, one cannot miss its Geo-politics, that is, it has Rimland and Heartland because of sharing
frontier with countries in this region by land and by sea In southern Thailand, it is a peninsular, having coastal
areas on both sides that enables communications via the Indian Ocean and the Pacific region. On land, there is a
land boundary with Malaysia Singapore close to Malacca Straits which is an important sea route . South East
Asia region is significant both in terms of economics and politics . Therefore, government of Thailand places
emphasis on linkage with these countries for its economic progress .
ThailandCrossBorderLogistics ShareThailand on regional transport logistics hub. ( Vis-a'-vis neighboring countries.) ไฟล์ประกอบ : ThailandCrossBorderLogistics.pdf อ่าน : 2312 ครั้ง วันที่ : 12/03/2008 |